Create Applications[TUTORING] 2024 Native Tutor Recruiting
Personal Information
Basic InformationREQUIRED
Please upload your file
* Please upload in PDF format. Teaching experience, work experience (other than teaching, if any), and education history must be included.
Self Introduction Audio/VideoREQUIRED
Please upload your file
* Please upload in MP4, MP3, MPEG format. At least1 minute of your introduction should be recorded to demonstrate your speaking ability (pronunciation, grammar, expression, etc.)
Speedtest ScreenshotREQUIRED
Please upload your file
* Please go to and change the server to Seoul, KR and take a screenshot of your speed test.
Certificate of Degree/DiplomaREQUIRED
Please upload your file
* Please upload your certificate of degree or diploma.
Certificate (TESOL, TEFL, etc)
Please upload your file
* Please upload your teaching certification if you have one. (i.e. TESOL, TEFL..).
Additional Questions
0 / 1,000
Country of ResidenceREQUIRED
0 / 1,000
0 / 1,000
Internet Service ProviderREQUIRED
0 / 1,000
Internet Connection TypeREQUIRED
ex) ADSL, DSL, Fibr
0 / 1,000
Which days of the week and at which hours of the day can you teach online?
0 / 1,000
Please confirm the following terms and conditions.
Tutoring (hereafter, "the Company") will collect your personal information required for the employment process using "Greeting" as follows:

1. Items of required personal information to be collected

• Your name in Korean and English, telephone number, e-mail address

2. Purpose of the processing of personal information

• Transfer of recruitment information and other notices, contact regarding employment and use of the website, judgment of suitability for employment, evidence for document review or interview, and utilization for human resources DB, etc.

3. Duration of the preservation of the information

• Within three years after the application. But if information provider requests, the personal information will be destroyed without delay.

※ The Company only collects the information you inputted and submitted. Due to the nature of the recruitment service, delicate information may be collected, so be mindful when filling in/submitting the information.

※ You have the right to refuse the selection and use of your personal information. However, in this case, the service may be limited, because it can affect the transfer of applicant information to the applied company.

Tutoring (hereafter, "the Company") will collect your personal information required for the employment process using "Greeting" as follows:

1. Items of optional personal information to be collected

• Date of birth, Address, CV, résumé, educational records, photo, video, qualification, experience, gender, location, protected verteran status, disability, portfolio, Curriculum Vitae, field of application, desired annual salary, previous salary, recommender, route of application, and other atypical information inputted or attached by the applicant that may be personally identifiable.
(If the consent of each item is inconsistent with the relevant content, the data cannot be processed, so it is deemed that you have agreed to collect and use selective personal information for the matters you have written yourself. If you don't agree to collect and use it, please delete it)

2. Purpose of the processing of personal information

• Transfer of recruitment information and other notices, contact regarding employment and use of the website, judgment of suitability for employment, evidence for document review or interview, and utilization for human resources DB, etc.

3. Duration of the preservation of the information

• Within three years after the application. But if information provider requests, the personal information will be destroyed without delay.

※ The Company only collects the information you inputted and submitted. Due to the nature of the recruitment service, delicate information may be collected, so be mindful when filling in/submitting the information.

※ You have the right to refuse the selection and use of your personal information. However, in this case, the service may be limited, because it can affect the transfer of applicant information to the applied company.

If there’s problems during submission, please contact us here!You will be connected to ATS Solution Greeting customer center.